This rhubarb and strawberry pie (recipe courtesy of Smitten Kitchen, discovered thanks to my dear Kim is still cooling on the rack RIGHT NOW.
I came across this little fella sleeping in my garden when I came home from the shops yesterday afternoon (and yes, he was breathing--it's always a bit iffy when it comes to London foxes. They're not the healthiest of creatures.)
But These boys live next door and come over to say hi to me almost every day. That's Squidge in the front and Mooney standing behind. They're very sweet. Squidge is a bit simple (he's a fully-grown tom who still chases his tail) and Mooney can be a bit aloof but they both come around right after dinner for a head-scratch. (Before we met the new couple next door, but after the cats started coming around to say hi, we called them Ackee and Saltfish.)
That's all.
Way to go with the lattice top! Wooo! This pie is excellent with whipped cream, btw. Or ice cream. Or on its own.
But I will say that by day 3, it had started growing mold, so put that baby in the fridge if you're not going to eat it in 48 hours.
I don't know what is cuter, the pie or the kittens. Looks like things are quite spring-ey in Lewisham.
I'd go with the kitties, mostly because the pie is mostly eaten now and is currently significantly less-cute. The cats' cute staying power is considerably greater.
It was slightly sweeter than I was going for--next time (if I don't have a heart attack first) I think I'll cut the sugar down by half and replace it with tapioca.
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