Saturday, February 11, 2006


This should be a brief reaction to the BBC article i came across today.

While you may burn more calories lifting weights or doing some other form of functionless exercise (there's a difference between lifting barbells to get buff and lifting bricks to build a wall--the second actually Does something) much can be said for sexual activity being a key element of a healthy lifestyle. I don't know how creative you have to be in the bedroom to maximize the effectiveness of it as a workout, but it simply makes sense that making whoopee would have some health benefits.

After all, if there's one thing all religions, governments, and marketing agencies can agree upon about the meaning of life, its that the primary function of a living thing is to make more living things like it. This is equally true for bacteria, rabbits, trees, and clergymen.

If our sole purpose in existing is to reproduce and preserve the longevity of our own species, it would logically follow that we would have some incentive to continue reproducing. (i.e. sex is supposed to be fun) If sex weren't fun, we wouldn't do it, and we would die out. Easy-peasy.

I think exercise is in dire need of a revolution. I'm tired of going into a classroom and jumping up and down for 45 minutes--i want my exercise to accomplish something Useful. Up until the industrial revolution we didn't have exercise classes--people got their exercise from their work. But ever since we replaced manpower with machines we've needed something else to keep us from becoming living puddles of blubber.

With safety measures in place to prevent this most functional of exercises from becoming fruitful, i think sex as a form of exercise is a great idea that should be encouraged. Human bodies know how to have sex instinctively--we have no biological impulse to lie on our backs and repeatedly lift and lower a piece of metal. Lifting weights hurts--and is supposed to hurt. Modern exercise is the only institution i've ever heard of in which pain is an indication that its working. I still hold that Pain is your body's very simple way of saying "No." If we want to stay in shape and not be masochists, i hold that we should partake in exercise that feels good. So there.

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