Tuesday, August 08, 2006

When you think you're all alone...

One of my roommates has absolutely horrible taste in music. What makes it funny, though, is that he has no idea that i'm in the next room and he's singing along with it at the top of his lungs. To be polite, lets just say--he's no Frank Sinatra. Hell, he's no Shakira either. He wouldn't even do well in Milli Vanilli.


PartyingMyPants said...

i didn't know you were rooming with Bob Dylan

MattJ said...

How terrible? Are we talking what passes for R&B these days or are we in Keith Urban territory?

Kristen said...

well at the time I wrote it he was listening to showtunes and singing along with "La Vie Bohème" from RENT, but he also was trying vainly to keep up with some incomprehensible thunky rap and getting in every fifteenth word like "hos" and "piss on you"