Monday, March 12, 2007

Murphy's scene shop

If you want a cable to slide, it will catch. If you want it to catch, it will slide. Same goes for hoses, casters, keys, and soft goods.

If you cut all your lumber perfectly, it will warp. If you miss a cut it will always be too short. If it does neither, the piece will be cut from the show. so there.

Routers have the most suicidal power cables of any hand tool. Every five seconds they dive in front of the spinning bit, just begging to be torn in two.

You will only find raised nail heads and staples by kneeling...on them.

Homosote will never be square.

If it fits together in the shop, it will find a way not to onstage.

The faster you try to go, the more screws will have malformed heads.

The moment you find yourself proud of what you've made, you'll manage to hurt yourself on it.

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