Sunday, November 07, 2010

wind and rain

Tears run freely
I blink them angrily away
Flicking my head to the side
So the wind will catch them.

If you see me
And I look like
I've just lost my puppy
Have no pity
I'm fine.

No really.
There's something wrong with my eyes.
I don't think it's allergies.
I wake up with my eyes dripping
And itchy
Every morning.

They water when I go outdoors
Blinding me
Freezing my face
Streaming like
Well, streamers


yeah, I suck at poetry, but if anyone has any experience curing constantly watery eyes please let me know. It's driving me nuts.


Kim said...

I am fond of Tylenol SEVERE ALLERGY for daytime and Benadryl (or Tylenol SEVERE ALLERGY) for night time.

Veronica Tomorrow said...

and it really isnt allergies? Is it cold out?

Kristen said...

Maybe its allergies, but I don't understand how cold air would set them off. Maybe I'm just not used to having allergies. I blame Boy. Thanks Kim, I'll see what the active ingredients are in those and look for a UK equivalent.

Kim said...

Also, I took some Walgreens-brand Allergy meds yesterday (something about a recall on the Tylenol-brand products) -- Pseudoephedrine HCl+Acetaminophen+Clorpheniramine Maleate (such names). Worked pretty well.

And it could be allergies...I get them pretty bad for a few days whenever the weather changes. Oh look, it's cold out. Feel sick. Oh look, it's windy, feel sick.

Kristen said... much as I tend to swear by pseudoephedrine, I don't feel congested at all. I got some benadryl (not diphenhydramine, but acrivastine, which is apparently prescription-only in the US) from the pharmacist the other day and it seems to help--at least, I don't look so emo. Maybe I just need to stay on an antihistamine regimen. it's a non-drowsy, which is good, because diphenhydramine puts me to sleep faster than you can say 'bedtime!'